What Are Glass Manifestation Dots Used For?
Typically used for safety purposes, glass manifestation dots are a subtle and stylish way to adhere with regulations. Glass manifestation regulations state that transparent glass must be clearly identified to avoid accidental collisions.
These manifestation dots ensure windows and panes of glass are highlighted to the general public. What’s more, they can be produced in patterns and shapes which are easy on the eye. They offer decorative benefits as well as improving the safety levels of your facility.
In order to comply with health and safety regulations, two rows of dots must be installed, covering the key central area of the glass. The average size of manifestation dots is 50mm, although they are available in custom sizes to meet your needs. The only restriction is that the dots must be large enough for passers-by to see.
Using Glass Manifestation Dots In Commercial Environments
From store fronts to office partitions, glass manifestation safety dots can maintain a professional look when applied correctly. Having worked with leaders in the commercial space, Lavastar are well-equipped to provide effective adhesive safety stickers which can be applied to all manner of facilities.
This type of window dot is a common choice due to its professional styling. Comprising of rows of shapes, the symmetry of the design looks structured and smooth while being customisable enough to add a splash of personality and company branding. To discuss the opportunities further, request a call back.